lol I did at one point make an effort to fix serious issues with the CSS on that sub, then I lost steam around when I lost my last bits of interest in Voat, so night mode ended up just being day mode with some f'd up button colors. I imagine many tendies were required to quell the screeching storm.
lol I did at one point make an effort to fix serious issues with the CSS on that sub, then I lost steam around when I lost my last bits of interest in Voat, so night mode ended up just being day mode with some f'd up button colors. I imagine many tendies were required to quell the screeching storm.
lol I did at one point make an effort to fix serious issues with the CSS on that sub, then I lost steam around when I lost my last bits of interest in Voat, so night mode ended up just being day mode with some f'd up button colors. I imagine many tendies were required to quell the screeching storm.