Illegal? Nah, but probably so expensive they leverage massive luxury taxes on it to the point where very few can afford to drive. Of course that won't happen until there is a big enough market shift where self driving cars/other modes of transportation have enough market penetration to replace traditional cars. Of course in many places (like most of the country) infrastructure and utility of such self driving vehicles are impractical for these populations.
Maybe you're right that the general population would be stupid enough to swallow that... I suppose it equates to the same thing for the everyday citizen.
I don't see them eliminating manual controlled vehicles.
There will be enough driving enthusiasts to make sure we do not lose that right.
I drive a Ducati. They would have to pry it from between my cold dead legs.
We'll start the NCA, and it will become a powerful lobbyist group.
Over 30,000 people die on American roads each year, the September 11 attacks knocked off about 3000. I think the US govt, google, Ford and GM are quite capable of working with that to get you and your murdering Ducati off the roads, and establish full control of another aspect of your life.
I'm sure you'll be able to drive it around a race track, for a price.
Can't wait for self driving cars, my state is insane about anything involved driving. The monsters at the DMV see drivers prey that bleeds money and is completely subject to their whim. I'm really looking forward to this positive disruption. Of course knowing my state by the time the vehicles are released they will have already taken away any and all benefits owning one would have.