The Ad network portion of it won't be live until some time next year, but have you looked into what Brave ( and BAT ( are trying to do. It is definitely an out-of-the-box idea, but it does address the major concerns with online ads (privacy, tracking, bandwidth sucking) and it has some heavy-weight developers pushing it. If -- and it is a big IF -- the entire ecosystem gets off the ground it could be really good for publishers. I have some concerns regarding if it is truly private and if the system could be gamed by bots, but my programming experience ended when I built a GeoCities site for a class project in 1998 so I truly have no idea if they can deliver on their promises.
The only portion of it that is live at the moment is paying publishers directly in BAT -- basically online tipping of your favorite sites. I would kick down some BAT to phuks if you got registered with them.
we looked for months on various ways to supplement phuks' hosting.
Basically in house ads were dumb, and all offsite js ads sucked more. Adblockers block them so we get less than our real traffic. Plus they get IPs and traffic info of our users.. Nope. Not happening here!