[–] jobes [OP] 6 points (+6|-0) 8 years ago Edited 8 years ago

Whatever you think of the site, this should scare you. There are so many levels of indirection for censorship now it's ridiculous.

  • App Stores censor because of user content
  • Hosting services censor because of user content
  • Domain registrars censor because of user content
  • Payment processors censor because of user content

A website's TOS doesn't even matter anymore because multiple sites are facing deplatforming from one or multiple of these sources.

Net Neutrality only focuses on the ISP level because that affects mega corps like Amazon, Google and Netflix and their video services. It needs to apply to all internet infrastructure.

[–] jobes [OP] 3 points (+3|-0) 8 years ago

An interesting response from that article:

8ch.net is registered under tucows, which seems to take a novel approach to avoid “abuse report” attack vectors:


Based upon this, I highly recommend switching registrants to tucows