I've seen the first 4 episodes of it. Not much else to say. Science fiction anthology series.


I've seen the first 4 episodes of it. Not much else to say. Science fiction anthology series. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Mirror


[–] KillBill [OP] 2 points (+2|-0)

What sort of complaints? I had a quick look and saw a few SJW/feminism type complaints but I can look past those as long as it isn't blatant, insulting propaganda like Star Wars.

Those were the minor complaints I was referring to. Most of the ones I saw came from the chans and voat, and we know the average user there is going to bitch about something or other with mainstream media. I totally felt the backlash against the new star wars films as legitimate, it is just bullshit shoved down the audience's throat, but Black Mirror still has a great premise to it.