It all started with a song coming on my pandora station by a band called BoomKat. They were around in the mid 2000s and as a horny teenager, I had a crush on the singer.

Out of curiosity I clicked the info on the app and saw her name was taryn manning. I then pondered if she might be the daughter of that football player. So I googled her and found her wiki.

I was quite shocked to discover she in fact played the tweaker in the Netflix series.

So damn, moral of the story us dont do drugs.

It all started with a song coming on my pandora station by a band called BoomKat. They were around in the mid 2000s and as a horny teenager, I had a crush on [the singer.](https://editorial01.shutterstock.com/wm-preview-1500/412131d/6e6f0c82/boomkat-record-release-party-house-of-blues-hollywood-america-shutterstock-editorial-412131d.jpg) Out of curiosity I clicked the info on the app and saw her name was taryn manning. I then pondered if she might be the daughter of that football player. So I googled her and found her wiki. I was quite shocked to discover she in fact played [the tweaker](https://media.gq.com/photos/55828c1a1177d66d68d52c2a/master/w_1600%2Cc_limit/blogs-the-feed-taryn-manning-gqa.jpg) in the Netflix series. So damn, moral of the story us dont do drugs.