Taken from a nine year study by John Hopkins.
The annual cost for victims of gun violence is an average of $2.8 billion in emergency-room and inpatient charges alone, the study concluded. If lost wages are factored in, the financial burden rises to $45 billion each year.
The average emergency room visit from a firearm injury costs $5,254 and skyrockets to $95,887 if the patient is admitted overnight. Over the nine years of the study, that amounted to a whopping $22 billion just in inpatient charges. Patients who died during an emergency room visit were charged $11,463 on average and represent 11.7% of total emergency charges in the study. Patients who need outpatient care following a hospital visit, about a third of inpatient gunshot victims, pay even more—about $179,565. ..
Moral of the story: don’t get shot!
Edit: I was intrigued by the price of healthcare in regards to gun violence and was amazed and not too surprised how expensive it is to get shot.
I'm pretty sure fucking a corpse in the ass is illegal.