[–] AlkaiserSoze 1 points (+1|-0)

Honestly, I'm sick of the celebrity hype that is popular these days. Apparently, if you're a celebrity you can do no wrong. That sort of mentality leads to worship by fans and is no different than political wrangling. Make no mistake, Serena is one of the top Womens Tennis players. However, the limelight doesn't last. You can't remain in your prime forever. She lost to a very skilled and focused up-and-comer. She then proceeded to throw a tantrum and use the standard cards of racism and sexism to get her base to support her. This is unacceptable behaviour. Discounting the code violations during the actual match, her behaviour after the match was still less than professional. Before this, I would say that Serena was at least interesting to watch. Now I'd rather not see her at all.