This is why I can't take American football seriously.
This kid is big, real big, but he's no athlete.

Look at him. Soft as fuck, shit conditioning.
But he'll be great at football. There are some positions in football that require a small narrow range of skills.
All creativity, expression, and thought is prohibited. They are just puppets for the coaches. Many of the players just need to be bulky, with raw strength. No conditioning needed, play only lasts a few moments at a time.

Real men play rugby.

[–] chmod [OP] 2 points (+2|-0)

I found that over my 13 year rugby career that as I got older and slower I ended up being pulled into the pack. Started as an inside center, then 8-man/wing forward, then fucking lock. Getting old and slow sucks.

Yeah, this kid isn't going to make it to college let alone the NFL unless he ends up with the Tuohy's.