I think some people do not understand the indirect effects space exploration has on other parts of life.
Most can see how it drives technology, but may underestimate the effect because they don't include the research spawned or triggered in related fields and efforts.
They may also not see how it drives the economy by creating jobs, from top level science, down to the service and related industries to support them, and all the factories employing workers due to Nasa contracts.
It also provides an avenue for growth that will never be exhausted.
And that's just a start. I'm gonna stop now because I'm getting sad thinking about the bonehead actions of my southern neighbour.
I worry about Canadian property value as the US becomes a giant ghetto.
Who am I kidding, we won't be far behind. Harper put the torch to our R&D (Literal book burning and appointing a creationist as minister of science), and Trudeau is carrying on the destruction.
I just don't get it. The function it provides for scientific research is invaluable, yet they want to stick a hotel on it.
If the issue is money, which it isn't, surely the first thing you'd look at from a US point of view is the military.