I plan on catching it and will be in a 98% totality area.

Not sure how well they'll turn out, but would anyone be interested in the results?

I plan on catching it and will be in a 98% totality area. Not sure how well they'll turn out, but would anyone be interested in the results?


[–] TheRedArmy 2 points (+2|-0)

Alternatively, go blind and start getting sympathy laid from chicks.

Yeah pics would be cool. Buy the legit glasses, not that fake shit some people are spreading like assholes.

[–] jobes 2 points (+2|-0)

Wow, that's quite the dick move. I hadn't heard of people selling fakes.

Yeah it's been quite an issue around here.

People are buying $1 glasses that aren't rated properly and than selling them for $10-$20 A pop.

My Gf and I got a free pair from a local coffee shop. Now there's rumors circulating that they may be incorrectly rated. I wouldn't be surprised of they're looking at some lawsuits after tomorrow If that's the case.

I would bet money my state is going to have a drastic increase in eyeball damage come tuesday.