I'm sitting pretty tall in the saddle at the moment.


I'm sitting pretty tall in the saddle at the moment. #.#SEWINGISNOTJUSTFORGIRLS


[–] leaderofnopack 1 points (+1|-0)

I just buy new t shirts, something like $5 each.

[–] KillBill [OP] 0 points (+0|-0) Edited

That's fine but when you finally find one you like after looking at generic bullshit prints forever it's hard to let go, especially when you've worn it just a couple of times. The shirt cost me 10 dollars on clearance but I really like the pattern on it and it's unlikely I'll find it again.

[–] leaderofnopack 1 points (+1|-0)

No offense but once you get older and realise you're buying a fashion statement you'll start spending wisely. I buy t shirts off amazon with no logos or designs for about $5 and walmart has them also. I once bought Levi's now I bout jeans.

Spend the money on living not looks.

[–] KillBill [OP] 0 points (+0|-0)

The shirt cost me 9 bucks on clearance. The needle and thread cost 4. Considering you say Walmart, you must live in the US so my shirt probably cost me the same 5 bucks as yours do, given the current exchange rate. The assumptions aren't a good look on someone purporting to be so wise. ;)

I'm saying all the above in good humour btw, so I hope you take it that way. Thanks for the reply.