Hey everyone,

I'm an admin with 2 years experience with the NOW platform. I have created a git repo to start housing some scripts I have written on the platform to help out new admins. While these may not be the most optimized they do work. If you think you can make one better, please feel free to fork it and then submit a merge request. My goal is to make it easier for newer admins to find resources.


These all are licensed with a permissive license, so feel free to use, modify, take credit for, doesn't matter to me.

Hey everyone, I'm an admin with 2 years experience with the NOW platform. I have created a git repo to start housing some scripts I have written on the platform to help out new admins. While these may not be the most optimized they do work. If you think you can make one better, please feel free to fork it and then submit a merge request. My goal is to make it easier for newer admins to find resources. https://gitlab.com/Weldar/servicenow-scripts These all are licensed with a permissive license, so feel free to use, modify, take credit for, doesn't matter to me.


[–] Toaster [OP] 0 points (+1|-1) Edited

It is a ticket system that is intended to be used to manage IT, HR, and other Business services.

Edit: Not sure why I was downvoted, maybe I didn't explain well enough. Or maybe someone thinks I'm shilling. IDK. I don't work for ServiceNow, I'm just an admin for my company's implementation of ServiceNow.

Edit2: Let me try this again.

Edit 3: Still buzzwordy.

[–] ScorpioGlitch 1 points (+1|-0)

Say that again but without buzzwords.

[–] Toaster [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

Alright, I edited it again. Sorry, I often have to pitch the platform to departments within my own company, so the buzzwords are kind of part of my vocabulary now. It's hard to turn it off. Let me know if that is clearer.

[–] ScorpioGlitch 1 points (+1|-0)


Is still a buzzword. Man, if I'm not in that field and I gotta look it up...

For those following along, SAAS is the cancer that is paying for your software every month instead of just buying it once. For those clueless, consider Adobe's Creative Cloud. It makes financial sense if 1. you're going to continue to use the platform for forever and 2. They never raise the price of the monthly fee. The first pretty much never happens and the second absolutely never happens. It's a pure cancer based on this microtransaction crap that also ensures that you never have any rights because if they don't like what you say or do whether or not it's related to the software, they can block you from the software you've been paying for regardless of how much or little you've paid.

Add to this that since people are getting wise to this hideous practice, they're terminating their service. Companies are getting desperate, going so far as to spam you with emails regardless of your contact settings because trying to get you to pay isn't one of the listed "don't email me reasons" because it's related to your account. Then, when you get tired of that and change your contact info to something that doesn't exist (you can't delete your account) and change your name to something vulgar (but they still have your mailing address because of billing info), they send you snail mail begging you to come back. Except the address name is a piece off vulgar garbage glaring at the mail carrier. Just like Adobe did to me thus ensuring that I will absolutely never buy their crap again and always pirate it.