[–] smallpond [OP] 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

Why do the article's highlit links lead to articles from the same news source?

This is nothing unusual.

E: The basis of the article, a poll, is never linked.

It doesn't seem to be, and I agree it should be. I don't have much time to investigate today, but I'd guess it's a privately commissioned poll, possibly without results being released to the public. I guess we're expected to trust The Independent as a news source. This isn't very reassuring either:

But climate change writer Leo Barasi, author of The Climate Majority: Apathy and Action in an Age of Nationalism, who developed the Opinium poll, suggested the impact of the heatwave in the UK was still yet to be fully realised and concern could soon increase further.


OP, if you are against human climate alarmism, do a better job hiding your intentions.

I'm very much for climate alarmism, but have to agree with you on the weakness of this article.

[–] [Deleted] -2 points (+0|-2) Edited

E: The basis of the article, a poll, is never linked.

It doesn't seem to be, and I agree it should be. I don't have much time to investigate today, but I'd guess
