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Obtain a prosperous future and secure the admiration of all for as little as $125. Diplomas from prestigious non-accredited universities based on your life experience. No tests, no classes, no interviews. All diplomas available including bachelors, masters, and doctorates (PhD's). No one is turned down. Your diploma puts a University Job Placement Counselor at your disposal. Confidentiality assured. CALL NOW to receive your diploma within days!!! 1-603-623-0033, Extension 307 Open Every Day Including Sundays and Holidays ******************************************* This message brought to you by ProBulk, the sole owner and distributor of this mailing list. To contact ProBulk: 602-735-3970 to request email address removal 954-567-8478 for comments and complaints 773-506-4509 for sales and service 781-440-6553 for everything else ************************ 3966