If he believes the owner has been sitting or lying around too much, he’ll also take the temperature to assess whether the human is being lazy, is ill or has simply died. Zhang says it will be possible for the robot to contact emergency services via the internet. He admitted that the services may not take the device seriously.
If the owner mistreats his concept canine by ignoring him too much when he wants attention, not stroking him enough, by swearing at him too much (he’s trained to identify curse words) or allowing his battery to go flat too many times, Fuli can retaliate. His eyes will also become angry red lights if he calculates he has been mistreated. With more serious issues he will approach his owner and deliver a static electric shock.
> If he believes the owner has been sitting or lying around too much, he’ll also take the temperature to assess whether the human is being lazy, is ill or has simply died. Zhang says it will be possible for the robot to contact emergency services via the internet. He admitted that the services may not take the device seriously.
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> If the owner mistreats his concept canine by ignoring him too much when he wants attention, not stroking him enough, by swearing at him too much (he’s trained to identify curse words) or allowing his battery to go flat too many times, Fuli can retaliate. His eyes will also become angry red lights if he calculates he has been mistreated. With more serious issues he will approach his owner and deliver a static electric shock.