[–] jobes 2 points (+2|-0)

And here I am like a fool purchasing my own iodine supplements rather than living close to a nuclear plant where i could get it for free...sigh.

[–] E-werd 2 points (+2|-0)

That's done here in the US, too. At least where I worked. Last job was in view of 2 nuclear powered generators within line of sight. Everybody was given a "K" tablet, which was Potassium Iodine. We were to hold onto it in the event of a nuclear incident, in which case we would take the pill and follow evacuation orders.

I'm glad there was never an incident, though, because this town had a river on one side and a mountain on the other with only a narrow switchback-filled road over it. The rest of the routes were one road that was about 15 minutes drive either way (on good days) to a decent-sized highway, also surrounded by the same river and mountain.