[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

Of course, why on earth would anyone add an "or else" to the request to get vaccinated?

Those civic-minded unvaccinated people who ignore repeated advice to get vaccinated will certainly comply without a coercive threat.

Oh, wait. My bad. I forgot whom we're discussing.

Personally, I favor quarantining them in camps.

[–] Dii_Casses 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

Of course, why on earth would anyone add an "or else" to the request to get vaccinated?

When you add "or else", it stops being a request. Trump has the most extreme position I will tolerate from a government official on the topic: "I would recommend you get it, but it's up to you".

Those civic-minded unvaccinated people who ignore repeated advice to get vaccinated will certainly comply without a coercive threat.

It's not the advice. It's nagging, the coercion, and the gaslighting. When the skeptical noticed that official flu counts had cratered from 35 millionish cases per year to a mere 2000, that reasonably raised some eyebrows, considering that covid was following a practically identical curve as the normal flu season. Are they just reporting flu cases as covid? One would hope that we would be above such a fraud.

And there are responsible ways to explain it. Something like "The 35 million flu cases aren't a hard and fast number; its an estimate of flu and flu-like diseases. Distinguishing between flu and a new disease that has extremely similar symptoms is pretty much impossible, so we're just putting out numbers of actual positive case numbers. We've got some back-of-the-napkin estimates for covid that sound pretty scary, and of course the ambulance-chasers at CNN/NYT/WSJ/etc run with those."

Instead the reaction to the reasonable skepticism was rabid. "What, are you trying to get people killed!?" "Trust the science!" Fauci leaned into the alarmism. Gatherings are condemned as super-spreader events, but only the gatherings of journalists' political opposition. Silicon Valley bans "misinformation". A lot of valid concerns about rushed treatments were raised back when the vaccines were first becoming available, and then the moment Trump is out of office they turn around and put the pedal to the metal promoting it. It smacks of partisanship more than actual concern for our health.

...and now, after months of the Branch Covidians screaming "YOU'RE WRONG! IT'S SCIENCE!" the CDC quietly tells everyone to stop using the approved covid test because it is returning false positives if you have the flu. What else are skeptics right about?

It would have probably been a year or two, but I'd have gotten it eventually. The hysteria pushed it back to "wait 10 years, as long as we don't implement vaccine passports". If I were in France or Israel that would already be off the table.

Personally, I favor quarantining them in camps.

"If anyone is to be taken captive, to captivity he goes; if anyone is to be slain with the sword, with the sword must he be slain. Here is a call for the endurance and faith of the saints." - Rev 13:10

Better to be in the camp than a guard on the perimeter. I do not envy them the erosion of the soul.

[–] [Deleted] 0 points (+0|-0)

So serious and so determined to ignore the rapidly climbing infection rates for the unvaccinated.

But I guess that's alright. In a month or so, the infection rates will decrease as the available hosts die off or realize they need the vaccination and mask.

[–] Dii_Casses 0 points (+0|-0)

Need the vaccination

Nobody needs vaccination as badly as they need the authoritarians purged from our government. But many won't see that for several years. :-/