[–] Violentlight 4 points (+4|-0)

SaneGoat is the creation of Voat. His style of posting is the only thing that gets any kind of traction. But then Voat gets all pissy about it. The only way to communicate anything on Voat is through drama. SaneGoat figured it out. Guy steps on a lot of toes. So they vote brigade him. So he has to farm ccp. This is all Voats creation. Fuckers bitch about it, but they don't want to ever hear criticism of the site. Apparently the site is perfect right now.

[–] Boukert 4 points (+4|-0)

This has been mindboggling to me as well. Pointing out and hounding critics..... You need fucking critical users to improve your site and push yourself further to increase quality!

[–] PMYA 3 points (+3|-0) Edited

> letting everyone publicly know that we conduct Voat vote manipulation with zombo.com

Why would you do this?

[–] Skyrock [OP] 3 points (+3|-0)

You still need to know the secret handwave into the PC camera to unlock inner workings of Zombo.com. We are safe as long as no one learns the secret handwave.