I posted an informative medical link to a Propane based relaxing enema cream to /s/PropaneAndChill and it was deleted because

Reason: Has no context to the sub

By @sidewalker_Principle

This is Fascism that must be dealt with.

I posted an informative medical [link](https://phuks.co/s/PropaneAndChill/58252) to a Propane based relaxing enema cream to /s/PropaneAndChill and it was deleted because >Reason: Has no context to the sub By @sidewalker_Principle This is Fascism that must be dealt with.


Take your degenerate shilling elsewhere, fool!

[–] [Deleted] Gaucho 2 points (+2|-0)

I will not be silenced by the patriarchy.

[–] Mattvision 2 points (+2|-0)

I'll rally the troops. We will downvote everyone of his posts and comments until his account can't do anything anymore