[–] Mattvision [OP] 0 points (+0|-0)

I supported him during the campaign because I bought into the Swamp Drainer image he put out.

What does 'Swamp Drainer' mean?

He's involved in a lot of shady, big-money stuff though, and I still can't tell if he's 4-d chess meming or seriously another corrupt puppet.

That doesn't sound good. If he's a puppet, who's controlling him?

Surley you've heard of Draining the Swamp? It was a big platform he campaigned on. It was his proposed plan to get rid of all the corrupt politicians and senators out of Washington. I guess he has fired a lot of people, and strong armed a lot of others out of position, but it also seems like he's just replacing them with his own set of money seekers.

And who do you think controls anything in this world? Follow the money.