[–] Mattvision [OP] 0 points (+0|-0)

Do you mean you want some random non-political opinions?

I think selfies are stupid. My boss is an asshole because he doesn't let me have weekends off. Rap music is better than country music. Spicy foods don't taste good. Michael bay is a hack.

[–] E-werd 2 points (+2|-0)

What I mean is... well, for example, maybe I try to convince you that abortion is legal. You already think that or lean toward that, so convincing you would be just too easy. I probably wouldn't want to take that topic. It's going to be a ton of effort to play 20 questions to figure out where we're starting.

I could venture some guesses off of that. Rap > country, so maybe you're more progressive. Rap is often done by black people, so maybe you're not racist. Maybe your line of work is something basic like retail, since you have to work weekends. Because of that, maybe you're young, which might also push your tendencies toward progressive.

Am I in the ballpark?

[–] Mattvision [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

It's going to be a ton of effort to play 20 questions to figure out where we're starting.

You're right, that was dumb.

What I mean is... well, for example, maybe I try to convince you that abortion is legal. You already think that or lean toward that, so convincing you would be just too easy.

I haven't thought much about abortion and never really took a side on it. Convince me to take your side.

[–] E-werd 1 points (+1|-0)

I don't have too strong of an opinion on that.

I wouldn't do it myself. I consider myself a Christian and the stance on that is fairly clear. A fetus moves on its own inside the mother, I've seen that on ultrasound. She's not making it move. It just does. Like we do. I cannot in good conscience kill that being.