For the good of the planet, and eventually the solar system, all primate life needs to be extinguished.
It is a parasitic lifeform that inevitably leads to cataclysmic destruction on a planetary, or even galactic scale.

The only way to live a moral life is to kill all humans

But why should we sacrifice ourselves for the planet?

The planet created us. It would be an awful waste for us to just kill ourselves. We use up the resources and move on to the next. So we are parasites. That doesn't mean we should abandon ourselves. We are quickly becoming the best parasite in the Universe. Let's not give up our title so easily!

I suppose perspective is important.
A parasite would see themselves as the hero of the story. But the bulk of symbiotic life would probably disagree.
Objectively hard to say who has the stronger claim.

It's like the buggers from Enders Game. They were just doing their thing, even though it might have been bad in a certain perspective.

[–] doggone 2 points (+2|-0)

The sun is going to die and so will the planet. Until then, I say let's do what we want.

[–] Mattvision [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

But I'm human and I don't want to die. Why should I care about the good of the planet?

No worries, kill yourself last. There's too many people for you to kill them all in one lifetime.
So you can live a long full life. As long as you dedicate it to killing others, you will still be a good person.

[–] Mattvision [OP] 2 points (+2|-0) Edited

I don't want to kill anyone though. Can't we just stop them from reproducing?

@E-werd I think I have an opinion on abortion now.