Stats for the last month (March)

  • Unique visitors: 14,111
  • Bandwidth used: 47.34GB
  • Requests served: 9,979,744
  • Active users in the last month: 129

Other stats

  • Total users: 1548
  • Total subs: 539
  • Total comments: 73976
  • Number of active developers: floor(pi/2)

I may or may not automate this

Stats for the last month ([March](https://phuks.co/s/PhukStats/59836)) - **Unique visitors**: **↓** 14,111 - **Bandwidth used**: **↑** 47.34GB - **Requests served**: **↓** 9,979,744 - **Active users in the last month**: **↓** 129 ### Other stats - **Total users**: 1548 - **Total subs**: 539 - **Total comments**: 73976 - **Number of active developers**: `floor(pi/2)` _I may or may not automate this_


[–] ScorpioGlitch 3 points (+3|-0)

Why'd you drop the pi on the floor? That's abuse!

[–] CDanger 3 points (+3|-0)

Have we been compromised by the NSA/FSB/GCHQ/Mossad yet?

[–] xyzzy 1 points (+1|-0)

What does this include? Network traffic? Is chat included? I'm always interested in stats, but numbers need meaning.

[–] Polsaker [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

Everything hitting the phuks.co domain, that includes chats and images sent via the chat