Stats for the last month (February stats)

  • Unique visitors: 15,195
  • Bandwidth used: 22.66GB
  • Requests served: 10,304,002
  • Active users in the last month: 137

Note: Spikes in bandwidth and requests are most likely caused by our new matrix server

Other stats

  • Total users: 1485
  • Total subs: 533
  • Total comments: 72466
  • Number of active developers: 1.2999999999999998

I may or may not automate this

Stats for the last month ([February stats](https://phuks.co/s/PhukStats/58172)) - **Unique visitors**: **↑** 15,195 - **Bandwidth used**: **↑** 22.66GB - **Requests served**: **↑** 10,304,002 - **Active users in the last month**: *137* **Note**: Spikes in bandwidth and requests are most likely caused by our new [matrix server](https://chat.phoxy.win) ### Other stats - **Total users**: 1485 - **Total subs**: 533 - **Total comments**: 72466 - **Number of active developers**: 1.2999999999999998 _I may or may not automate this_


[–] ScorpioGlitch 1 points (+1|-0)

1-31 of march

No, I know the dates of last month. I was wondering about the bandwidth for the previous month.


I just saw the link to February's stats so ignore my request.

Still, that increase is not a small number. at. all.

[–] Polsaker [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

No, I know the dates of last month. I was wondering about the bandwidth for the previous month.

whoops, my bad

Still, that increase is not a small number. at. all.

well we must have twenty or thirty something clients probably polling every thirty seconds all the time