Stats for the last month (April stats)

  • Unique visitors: 13,151
  • Bandwidth used: 7.52GB
  • Requests served: 1,588,243
  • Active users in the last month: 226

Other stats

  • Total users: 947
  • Total subs: 418
  • Total comments: 39590
  • Number of active developers: 0

I should automate this

Stats for the last month ([April stats](https://phuks.co/s/PhukStats/28789)) - **Unique visitors**: **↑** 13,151 - **Bandwidth used**: **↑** 7.52GB - **Requests served**: **↑** 1,588,243 - **Active users in the last month**: **↓** 226 ### Other stats - **Total users**: 947 - **Total subs**: 418 - **Total comments**: 39590 - **Number of active developers**: 0 _I should automate this_


[–] jobes 4 points (+4|-0)

4k hentai destroys bandwidth, amiright?

[–] Sarcastaway 3 points (+3|-0)

You are right. Steam library updates after 2 months offline are worse. Payday 2 and GTA5 alone were over 10 GB...

I'm sure comcast will be throttling me anytime now...