Yup, I was bored so I decided to parse logs!

Operating systems

% Name
16% Windows
8% "Unix-like"
8% Linux
3% Android
2% Macintosh
1% iOS


% Name
65% Freakin' ROBOTS
14% Chrome
10% Firefox
7% Others
2% Opera and Safari
1% Unknown


Referring sites

Hits Name
389 Google
155 Reddit
95 Yandex
39 Duckduckgo
36 Voat
28 Imgur

We also got around 125000 requests from crawlers, that's like 30% of our total traffic.

As for geographical distribution, it's similar to the last report: 52% from Europe, 45% from North America, 2% from Asia and a little bit from the rest of the world.

Yup, I was bored so I decided to parse logs! ## Operating systems | % | Name | |----|-------| | **62%** | **UNKNOWN** | | 16% | Windows | | 8% | "Unix-like" | | 8% | Linux | | 3% | Android | | 2% | Macintosh | | 1% | iOS | ---- ## Browsers | % | Name | |----|-------| | **65%** | **Freakin' ROBOTS** | | 14% | Chrome | | 10% | Firefox | | 7% | Others | | 2% | Opera and Safari | | 1% | Unknown | BOTS EVERYWHERE THEY OWN THE SITE NOW ---- ## Referring sites | Hits | Name | |----|-------| | 389 | Google | | 155 | Reddit | | 95 | Yandex | | 39 | Duckduckgo | | 36 | Voat | | 28 | Imgur | We also got around 125000 requests from crawlers, that's like 30% of our total traffic. As for geographical distribution, it's similar to the last report: 52% from Europe, 45% from North America, 2% from Asia and a little bit from the rest of the world.


[–] jobes 0 points (+0|-0)

14% Chrome

Does Brave fall under "Chrome" because it's chromium-based? I use Brave on both mobile and desktop, so I wonder if I fall under here or the 7% others

[–] Polsaker [OP] 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

It probably falls under Other

Edit: Whoops, if it indeed uses a Chrome user agent as IB said then it'll be counted as Chrome

[–] jobes 0 points (+0|-0)

I feel like one of the cool kids now that my browser pretends to be main stream!

Interesting. That seems like a lot of bot activity. I guess forum sites get more scrutiny than others?
That's a lot of hits from Yandex.
the Russians are watching us.

[–] Polsaker [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

Yandex crawlers are more than half of those 125000 crawler requests