When the child becomes old enough to read on their own, have a set 'bedtime' where the child must be in bed. But allow them to keep the light on, and stay awake as long as they are reading. No reading means no light. My parents did that with me. As a child I would get upset that I had to go to bed so I would get revenge by staying up late reading. I always wound up falling asleep, at a reasonable time, while reading. It eventually became such a habit that I could not sleep without a book. I was reading adult level novels by the time I was in regular school. Not because of genius, but because of my parents manipulation.

I've seen this trick work on other children as well, and never fail.

When the child becomes old enough to read on their own, have a set 'bedtime' where the child must be in bed. But allow them to keep the light on, and stay awake as long as they are reading. No reading means no light. My parents did that with me. As a child I would get upset that I had to go to bed so I would get revenge by staying up late reading. I always wound up falling asleep, at a reasonable time, while reading. It eventually became such a habit that I could not sleep without a book. I was reading adult level novels by the time I was in regular school. Not because of genius, but because of my parents manipulation. I've seen this trick work on other children as well, and never fail.


[–] E-werd 3 points (+3|-0)

I've been reading to my daughter every night since about 1 year old. Since she's been 3 it's been 3 per night. They're age-appropriate books. I'm test driving chapter books with her right now, reading a chapter per night.

[–] [Deleted] 2 points (+2|-0)

that's a great way to ease her into Novels. My father did that with "Where the red Fern Grows" and "Ol' Yeller" and I picked up books myself after out of pure frustration of not being able to read to my hearts content...

[–] Violentlight 3 points (+3|-0)

If you use a lamp for the light, just careful. They might start trying to burn thing using the bulb and you will have to remove the lamp. God... damnit....

Well I grew up in the days of spankings, and my daughter was eerily well behaved when she was young. Made me question the paternity.
So I've never had to consider that angle.

[–] Violentlight 3 points (+3|-0)

I grew up in the age of spankings. I was eerily well behaved. I was not ready for this kind of bullshit!!!

[–] Polsaker 3 points (+3|-0)

My parents have a huge collection of books on my house. When I was a child I started reading them out of boredom.

I remember one of the first books I read was King Solomon's Ring, then I read The Neverending Story, Moment in Peking, Count Belisarius, etc... My parents didn't have many children's books but I sure learned a lot

[–] [Deleted] 2 points (+2|-0)

beautiful.... I read "The Bleachers" to my daughter while still in her mom's tummy... it's never to early to start! And children inherently love adventure... what was your first book if you don't mind me asking??? my first alone was The Coral Island by R.M. Ballantyne... great first read

[–] InnocentBystander [OP] 2 points (+2|-0) Edited

I couldn't tell you what was first. It's been a continuous thing that goes back further than my memories do.
My mother was an avid reader, and would read to me each night when I was too young to read for myself. That probably helped start things. Once I was old enough, she made me do the reading and 'helped'. Then she told me I was old enough to do it myself so 'get to bed you little shit'.
The earliest book that I can remember was Pet Sematary by Seven King.

It made one hell of an impression on me. I didn't sleep for a month. I guess that's why I remember it.
I was already in school by then. I know I started with simpler books and worked up to that, I just don't remember which ones.
I learned to read at home by following the finger while my parents would read out loud.

[–] [Deleted] 2 points (+2|-0)

you started that young with Stephen King??? I still remember that funny rethoric from Mr. Deeds:

"We've had Stephen King stop by at the gas station and Larry made eye contact"

"I'd imagine that'd be pretty spooky"

"Yeah he lost 200 pounds.... that night"

or something like that... I've read many Stephen King novels but not this one... I'll put it on my list :D

Well I wasn't that young, it's the earliest I remember because I have a shit memory :)
I was definitely younger than the intended audience though.
Since I've been thinking about it, I remember I read most or all of 'The Great Brain' series. I don't know if they were first, but they were before King.

If you like King, and have not read Pet Sematary, then you really should. I think it was one of his better books.