[–] SoulOfBlip 0 points (+0|-0)

FeeKubrick? So much talent on such a small portion of my screen.

I'm looking for an awesome friend versed in dance. Any chance you can help?

I know this more than likely comes off as supper tacky.

Yes, you may pause in wonder while bearing witness to my lack of shits given regarding any outcome of my own design.

Thank you regardless FeeKubrick mate.

Lol, I'm such a dagg.


[–] COFfeebreak [OP] 0 points (+0|-0) Edited

I'm rather dense and not sure what a "FeeKubrick" is, although I am a big fan of Kubrick's films.

And I am most definitely not a modern dance aficionado. Never been an interest of mine, sorry. But I did see the last "It's Always Sunny" episode with Mac's dance.


Made me wonder where IASIP is coming from. Hollywood never ceases to amaze.

There is a /dance sub on Voat if that helps.