There is an easter egg in Small Furry Animals that isn't backwards masking, but does require speed reduction.

There is a hidden message in the song at about 4:32. If played at half speed, Waters can be heard to say, "That was pretty avant-garde, wasn't it?" sample.

[–] SoulOfBlip 0 points (+0|-0)

Wow that means the Easter egg would play back naturally somewhere between 600Hz - 3.7KHz ignoring harmonics.

I will listen for the 'pretty avant-garde' Waters chipmunk voice @4:32 next chance I get.

Doh! if I take your word for it, I can't repeat it in confidence or pay respect to you my teacher.

Lol, I am so frick'n lazy once I stop being the opposite.

Thank you /u/COFfeebreak for passing on this very cool information.

All the best :)
