Video cards are getting so large and putting out so much heat, cases might as well start including outlet ducts so that the hot air from those cards can be directly vented outside the case. There's no good reason to have that air circulating around inside the case and requiring tons more fans to work harder to keep the mobo/cpu/psu cool too.
Video cards are getting so large and putting out so much heat, cases might as well start including outlet ducts so that the hot air from those cards can be directly vented outside the case. There's no good reason to have that air circulating around inside the case and requiring tons more fans to work harder to keep the mobo/cpu/psu cool too.
Video cards are getting so large and putting out so much heat, cases might as well start including outlet ducts so that the hot air from those cards can be directly vented outside the case. There's no good reason to have that air circulating around inside the case and requiring tons more fans to work harder to keep the mobo/cpu/psu cool too.