[–] [Deleted] 0 points (+0|-0) 4 years ago Edited 4 years ago

Vanilla people can always just turn the page as though they were click the Back button ;-)

I'm not saying that your opinion shouldn't be heard, that would be wrong. Perhaps you could do a blog and spread the word.

Or consider going back to Voat where everyone agrees with you.

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0) 4 years ago Edited 4 years ago

Annelise, I'm hurt :( I don't even frequent voat anymore, not that it matters, should that exclude me from posting here?

I'm not clear, what's your opinion on this article being front page on Newsweek? It's okay? Just ignore it if you think it's weird?

[–] [Deleted] -1 points (+0|-1) 4 years ago

Oh, no! I wouldn't force that on anyone. But look at what you posted today vs. Voat's front page and tell me how your posts differ. I'm not throwing stones at you, honest.

I like online communities that offer more than hate. I don't want Phuks to sink into a cesspool of hate the way Voat has done.

Compare the Voat community before Reddit flushed the haters and look at what it became after being infested with alt-hate. The overall quality of posts decreased significantly as the people who provided great content fled Voat for nicer places, like right here. You've no reason to blindly accept my opinion, though. You can see for yourself using the wayback machine. Step through Voat early 2018 and see for yourself how that site became a cancer. I don't think there's a question that voat's community is focused on hating. It doesn't matter whether it's the same old BS zionist stuff, race wars, or the overwhelming need the traditional pod people (I stole the term) have to enforce their narrow moral opinion upon anyone with the temerity to disagree.

That's the reason I stopped visiting Voat. The majority of their posts are completely abhorrent in my eyes. I'll have no truck with people who hate just to hate. Alt-hate is a cancer that consumes people's live to no good end and destroys online communities.

So, back to Newsweek.

Personally, I always go with ignore. I don't need the stress of trying to police someone else's lifestyle. Frankly, I don't care about anyone else's sexual relationship. The only relationship that I care about is the one I share with my Husband/Dom.

Sure, on the face of it, many people will view them as an odd couple. But I don't think they're an overwhelming majority. The sub-cultures who believe sex is a wonderful recreational activity is Very large. There's nothing sacred or holy about sex. It's just there. How an adult handles sex and relationships is their own business and no one else's. Ostensibly monogamous sexual relationships require those persons to be faithful to each other in all respects. But we both know how often it doesn't happen by how many divorces cases cite infidelity as their cause.

There are very few monogamous mammals by nature. Humans aren't in that category except through religious/cultural conditioning and most men's inner dominant nature to control their sexual partners (even if they don't realize it). Every religion and culture has rebels. Rebellion often drive advancement for one reason or another, and always induce change (E.g, Martin Luther, access to effective birth control, etc.). Rebelling against a monogamy driven by religious/cultural reason is no different. Having sex, desiring more sex, wanting sex with someone you don't/can't have, and wanting a lot of sex is built into our genes. Your mileage may vary. I've been sexually active about 9 years. For the six or so years before marrying, there were a stretches of a couple years several stretches of a month or three when just I couldn't be bothered (between school and working 2-3 jobs, I didn't have the energy or urge).

I wasn't celibate before marriage and there're no secrets, there. My relationship with my husband became instantly monogamous when I was collared. I was very happy remaining in that state for as long as he would have me, too. Months, years, forever. Very shortly afterwards, though, he shocked me to death by proposing. That released many unrealized feelings developed for him since we met. I'd been in love for months and it hadn't registered.

Monogamy's a personal choice. It can't be a group decision. No one has the right to make that choice for anyone but themselves. Nor, do they have the right to deride another for their personal choice. So, they are earning money by sharing their sex lives. If they're happy, good for them!

I hope you understand that I'm not making any attack on you. I worry when I see post like yours because of what happened to Voat. Voat was my only recreational outlet for a long time and I hated watch it deform and turn toxic.
