Nickname that claims Biden sells out to Xi Jinping, what with all the sketchy business deals made through Hunter. China has been acting as a predatory loan shark to developing nations for the last decade or so, and now probably have their eyes on Afghanistan's rare earths deposits. It is ridiculous to bring up here because it has nothing to do with our failures in the withdrawal procedure.

Thanks that makes some sense. I still think the whole Hunter thing is just nonsense, but that's my opinion on that matter.

As far as China playing loan shark and eyeballing afghanistans resources. That's far more reasonable. China has been excelling at introducing new debt to countries in Africa and elsewhere and buying up old debt like the 1.1 trillion the USA owes them.


This is more of the 'Fox News are controlled opposition' camp. Mark Milley is Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; basically second-in-command of the military behind Biden. Rumored to be planning to 'fall on his sword' and retire over this debacle. Infamous in Trumpland for spouting all the wrong buzzwords during the J6 hearings, clearly having fallen into the cult of wokeness. Don't know anything about Lloyd Austin

Thanks again for giving more details. It still doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but I feel like I might just need a secret weapons cache and a diet consisting of MRE's to fully understand it.

[–] Dii_Casses 0 points (+0|-0) Edited

I still think the whole Hunter thing is just nonsense, but that's my opinion on that matter

Regardless of how true it is,t fell flat with the media, who Conservatives have long believed carry water for the Democrats and felt it had all but stopped pretending to not have an agenda during Trump's first campaign and term. There was a pretty strong sentiment of "The media are panning it so hard that it must be true."

And then almost immediately after Biden "won" (which we Trumplicans also don't trust) there was an article from mainstream news that breathlessly reported on the "shocking details" that the right-wingers had known about for a month or two already. Subtle, guys. Real subtle /s

And then came the Times article about the big coalition of journalists, politicians, poll workers (!), and activists that were brought together to "fortify" the election and to ensure the "right" outcome. Which among other things, included changing election laws and spiking the Hunter laptop issue until after the election.

I feel like I might just need a secret weapons cache and a diet consisting of MRE's to fully understand it.

You can get most of the way there by watching CGP Grey's excellent This Video Will Make You Angry.

Start with an idea, such as "There are very few Republicans in journalism" and the let it fester for 50 years. Liberals created their little circlejerks in newsrooms and academia for decades, and F6F is in the mirrored circlejerk.