They don't; Just see what happens when you have a different opinion ("sent them back"/"lock her up"), burn a flag, protest something they hold dear or godforbid kneel during the national anthem.....
"sent them back"
Ilhan Omar committed tax fraud and pleaded guilty to it. She is under investigation for violating Minnesota's bigamy laws for marrying her brother in order to commit immigration fraud. She isn't fit to serve.
lock her up
If I was conducting business from a private email server for one of the FAANG companies I worked for, then I would be behind bars right now. Why should a complete disregard of classification and record archiving for the State Dept be any less?
kneel during the national anthem
Sure, they can be ungrateful and do that. Kappernick made a fuck load of money from that stint. That's truly American to do something retarded to game capitalism.
Ilhan Omar committed tax fraud and pleaded guilty to it. She is under investigation for violating Minnesota's bigamy laws for marrying her brother in order to commit immigration fraud. She isn't fit to serve.
"them" not "her"
And nothing has been proven in a court of law, as of yet.
If I was conducting business from a private email server for one of the FAANG companies I worked for, then I would be behind bars right now. Why should a complete disregard of classification and record archiving for the State Dept be any less?
Nothing was proven in a court of law.
Sure, they can be ungrateful and do that.
Ungrateful? really?
The alt right want "freeze peach" they just don't want to be questioned.