[–] ScorpioGlitch -1 points (+0|-1)

You've made my point for me. But in case it was lost in the translation... You didn't quantify how much transparency. Without a quantity, it is reasonable to assume "all." For example: "Sweep the floor" is much different from "Sweep the east corner of the floor."

So not at all a strawman. Just taking you 100% at your word.

[–] Justintoxicated 1 points (+1|-0)

You didn't quantify how much transparency. Without a quantity, it is reasonable to assume "all."

First of all this is pure and ludicrous semantics, if everyone was to to specifically define everything they say/type down to lowest level of interpretation all the time conversation would be completely incoherent (i.e. autism). Also your assertion that "all" is a reasonable assumption when concerning such a broad reaching topic may be a reasonable within sets of fringe belief systems/groups who utilize ham-fisted "all or nothing" ideologies, but to assume the average rational person thinks that way is rather unreasonable.

So not at all a strawman

Absolutely a strawman, you took a lack of information to create an assumption and then manufactured a position based on a lack of evidence.

So what is your argument against the declassification of election documents?

[–] ScorpioGlitch -1 points (+0|-1)

First of all this is pure and ludicrous semantics

I literally gave you an example of a real world scenario anyone would understand and if you ever had kids, you would understand that at some point every. single. child. goes through this. If you have a problem after that, it's either because you're low intelligence or you're stubborn. Or you're still a child who hasn't hit that stage of understanding language.

Everything you say after that wasn't even worth my time reading.

[–] Justintoxicated 1 points (+1|-0)

every. single. child. goes through this.

I would not expect a child barely capable language to be commenting on a US politics story.

If you have a problem after that, it's either because you're low intelligence or you're stubborn

Thank you for remaining civil.