[–] PMYA 1 points (+1|-0)

Title of the article is slightly misleading, there is no ban on using the term, it's just an adjustment made to wording in official documents. To be honest it kind of makes sense, as it is a very vague term that only has any common meaning because of its use by Trump. In 50 years when documents are reviewed, "disinformation" is a lot clearer than "fake news".

[–] PhuksMulder 2 points (+2|-0)

Disinformation is clearer but let's be honest, Trump adopted a term created by CNN and turned it against them.

[–] jobes 0 points (+0|-0)

It is truly amazing watching him demolish the media. He has every power to exert control over every single news network, but he refuses to do so and just knows how to stir the hornets' next even more to make sure they keep their focus on him. He's a brilliant strategist