I doubt any of us will ever know the "truth". I'm just kicking back, got my popcorn, and watching the show. There's definitely nothing at the movies or tv worth watching, or as entertaining. Bread and circuses, my friend.
Propose a controversial theory.
Weakly try to support that theory under the lightest of scrutiny.
Blow it off as an off hand joke when backed into a corner with logic.
They're losing and desperate. This is nothing more than an attempt to sway voting and emotions away from "Deplorables". This is a coordinated, staged events by the DemoncRats. Watch for the outcry from all outlets about the evil of Trump Nazi's. Their invasion isn't working as well as expected and/or another "front" to attack from. SAD!!
your not wrong that this is just another distraction but just because its on the internet or in MSM doesn't mean it isn't true. that's insane.
If it's on the internet, it's true. C'mon, you don't really believe everything put out there do you?