[–] Justintoxicated 1 points (+1|-0)
[–] Butler_crosley 3 points (+3|-0)

It's a shame. From my dealings with Hispanics I've found that the ones from the Northern Triangle tended to be hard workers and very friendly. Just have to be careful when having Mexicans and Guatemalans working together, sometimes they don't mix (knew a landscaper who had a Guatemalan pull a knife on his Mexican coworkers and ran them off). But I only saw the ones I worked with have national pride when the national soccer teams played each other, rest of the time they would treat each other like any other coworker and joke around with each other. Really changed my perspective on immigration after getting to know them as individuals.

[–] PhunkyPlatypus 2 points (+2|-0)

I wish more people got a chance to experience that. It's so easy to slip into the us vs then tribal mentality. In which millions of people are condensed into a stereotype or meme.

The news loves to vilify and exemplify the worst examples they can find. And without exposure to the truth many people digest and accept that view.