[–] [Deleted] 3 points (+3|-0)

the market cap of the saudi exchange is only ~$500b (sounds big but its chump change compared to their oil revenues & futures). a couple businessmen are pulling out of their forum but there is still money to be made, plenty will still show up. the saudis still refuse to acknowledge that there is any problem.

its north korea all over again. hey they tested nukes and icbms, lets go back to the old playbook of giving them concessions for being such good international partners.

[–] PhuksMulder 0 points (+0|-0)

There is a difference this time. Bill Clinton gave them 4 nuclear reactors and like 5 billion in food aid that kept their military fed. They immediately used it to continue their nuclear program. Trump just cancelled this years war games saving us hundreds of millions. Just b/c we didn't pollute a bomb range w/ depleted uranium munitions this year doesn't mean the military isn't always ready. We have seen some concessions from the norks. I'm doubtful it will all work out in the end given NKs past actions, but peace is worth pursuing if done wisely.

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

south korea is knee deep in negotiations to reopen kaesong, feeding NK billions. all we got are some vague promises that they would dismantle an icbm site which they disassembled just enough so they can reassemble it quickly. its the same playbook. i'm glad we aren't wasting valuable lives on the effort but i think your deluding yourself if you think this (either modern NK situation or saudi) is any different or will have any different outcomes.