[–] Kannibal [OP] 0 points (+0|-0)

of course

sales and stock price are meaningless numbers

and the people who say the company is going broke . . . . .?

[–] PhuksMulder 0 points (+0|-0) Edited

Who says this? Pandering is an age old business tactic. Just look at Hugo Boss(made nazi uniforms) or FUBU(for black people by black people). Shit will be forgotten in 6 months and we'll have Michael Phelps "JUST DOing IT" again. None of this petty shit means anything long term to a company paying their foreign workers 10 cents an hour. Boycott all you like or suck their dick when you like. Their profit margins overall are too good to give a shit. Oh wow so edgy. Nike is standing up for "US ™" None of the people will remember being offended 2 years from now when Nike shorts are on a labor day sale for $3. That's the price I got this past labor day. Comfy material. I sleep in them just fine despite the exploitation. Maybe both sides of a debate get sold different bullshit at different times?