We're of the mind here across the pond that you all sold your personal liberties decades ago and that Brazil was a documentary. As such, this is not surprising.

[–] E-werd [OP] 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

How's that relevant? This was in the UK.

EDIT: I just considered you were speaking as an American. If you were addressing me, then this is confusing. If you were just addressing the brits, then... carry on, my bad.

[–] unabashed_centrist 0 points (+0|-0) Edited

We, as in Americans, are of the mind that you all, namely, the Brits referenced in the article...are not surprised. Sorry...was just offering my 2 cents. Or are those pence? :P

Edit: You got it with your edit. :) I'm an American as well - and I thought this was just par for the course in the UK.