Great correlation. Doctors are probably the closest to Priests when thinking about professions that instill trust. Both are policed by their own self-appointed watchdogs, the AMA and the Catholic Church.
But, both are also supposed to be held accountable to law enforcement. For some reason Catholic Priests are not held to legal consequences the same way any other human would be. Child rape has not been demonstrated to be pervasive in the medical field the same frequency as child rape is in the Catholic church.
Oh most assuredly. I mentioned doctors because many of them will cover for a real f*-up and patients end up being injured or worse.
A friend of mine wanted to be a priest and the first thing people thought was he must be a pedo. sadly, he just wanted to be a priest and be a part of a holy order and help people. I'm glad he changed his mind though, I told him "one pervert priest is going to touch you and you will beat him to a pulp. then what?"
He didn't answer. the thing about being a priest doesn't come up anymore though...
It's a brilliant question and will probably never be answered. They have their code of silence, sort of like doctors. I've never heard a doctor bad-mouth another doc, no matter how big an f* up the doc is.
Regarding pedophilia in general, we are experiencing a paradigm shift in thinking when it comes to sexuality and children. A deadly shift with consequences that will wreak havoc on generations to come if this move to legitimize pedophilia as some normative sexual behavior.