[–] [Deleted] -1 points (+0|-1)

And? Is there anything in this article that you think is wrong or misleading?
Are you saying this didn't happen?
A simple Google search will confirm the authenticity of the event.

[–] [Deleted] -1 points (+0|-1)

Please provide alternative information to support your position.Unfortunately Mumsnet discussions don't really count as a a credible source.

Mumsnet discussions don't really count as a a credible source.

When it is all sourced it does. Read it before critiquing.
Or visit the spa page

[–] Owlchemy 2 points (+2|-0)

But, but, but ... tolerance.

Tolerance does not apply to white males.

[–] Owlchemy 2 points (+3|-1)

Here it is Sunday ... a beautiful bright and sunny day ... and I can't even think of anyone to oppress with my male whiteness. I'm slipping.

This should have been easily predicted.
The rules to separate the sexes is to provide comfort and security. Removing those rules will not improve those traits for anyone. Not even 'queer' folk.

This is what happens when people think with their heart instead of their head.
Your heart is caring, but stupid.