[–] [Deleted] -2 points (+0|-2)

Are you just quoting random phrases?

No, I'm clearly quoting you.

I have stated on more than one occasion that I do.

Please provide an example.

No, I'm clearly quoting you.

Yes, but are you just quoting random phrases? Those quotes are not related to my downvote policy in any way.
Do you even English?

Please provide an example.

No. You provide an example of where I've said anything different. I made the claim that I have never denied downvoting. The onus is on you to show otherwise, or realize it's true.

Do your own homework.

[–] [Deleted] -2 points (+0|-2)

OK - bold text, I'm out.

Bold text is to highlight. I bolded it because you seem to have missed it the last time.
Did you think bold equates to 'yelling' or some other childish nonsense?

Grow up, learn how the written language works.
You're 'out' because you're wrong. You have utterly failed to prove anything except that you're retarded.