[–] [Deleted] 4 points (+4|-0)

Trump was elected because of his agenda. If he was to make concessions, his base would have backed away from him immediately. I think when a candidate has run on certain positions and promises, that's what he should stick with. It's almost like treason, in my mind, to change after taking office. I didn't agree with Mario Cuomo when he was Governor of New York, and voted against him every time. But I respected the man, because everybody knew his beliefs and his positions on issues, and he stuck with them. Trump is acting the same way, as much as he can.

[–] Boukert 2 points (+2|-0)

Donny has his clear interest and follows his agenda, he makes it clear he wants to represent his voters. To posture himself like a hardliner he does however distances himself from the majority of the country. Blaming "the general public" for not unifying behind their president, you can't expect the public to do that if you push your hard line policies/ rhetoric and don't even try to initiate any form of unity or an outreached hand (even if only symbolic, as many inauguration speeches are just that). Calling for automatic unity and loyalty for POTUS while Trump himself criticized Obama all the time is also just hypocritical.

I don't think Trump has the capacity to be a "Uniter" anyway, he's a divider. It's no surprise as that's how Real estate business works.