[–] Boukert 4 points (+4|-0)

So firstly altough i despise Sarah Huckabee Sander's in her proffesional role, She does have the right to a normal private life, especially since she hold the position she has.

Secondly, how is this different the denying service to gay customers? (serious question)

[–] Dii_Casses 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

Secondly, how is this different the denying service to gay customers? (serious question)

Well the biggest difference is that nobody is taking The Red Hen to court over this.

Businesses have the "right to refuse service for any reason", except for a handful of "protected classes", which in Colorado includes sexual orientation. And that one ended getting dismissed purely on the grounds that Colorado's regulatory agency was openly hostile against the bakers' own protected class status (religious beliefs).

Political affiliation is not protected, so the restaurant is well within their rights to ask her to leave.