[–] smallpond [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

@unruly @E-werd

YouGov.de were nice enough to reply to my email. They confirmed the survey's existence and said it was commissioned by https://www.frieden-geht.de/ hence they cannot disseminate the results themselves.

Some comments on the survey can be found on https://www.frieden-geht.de/ under "30. MAI 2018", including a link to the survey results, or at least the results that frieden-geht.de wish to release.

I think this vindicates my initial impression that this is not-fake-news (but the journalistic standards could certainly be improved).

[–] [Deleted] 0 points (+0|-0)

It seems Frieden Get or Peace Goes are a German organisation that campaigns against arms exports, hence the survey.