Its part of the globalist agenda. Dumb down the masses through media and drugs/bad food. Mix all races together to get rid of nationalism and heritage. Destroy morality and propagate promiscuity by applauding it. Destroy the family unit. Take god out of the equation so people are free to indulge as they please.
Its been happening for about 75 years now. And it won't stop. There is nothing we can do about it except try and teach our children the righteous path.
It sickens me daily.
Its part of the globalist agenda. Dumb down the masses through media and drugs/bad food. Mix all races together to get rid of nationalism and heritage. Destroy morality and propagate promiscuity by applauding it. Destroy the family unit. Take god out of the equation so people are free to indulge as they please.
Its been happening for about 75 years now. And it won't stop. There is nothing we can do about it except try and teach our children the righteous path.
It sickens me daily.
I'm not even catholic, but this pisses me off. Its not just acceptance. That would be truly christlike behavior. This is religious revisionism. If god is responsible for creating people to act the way they act, that will eventually be applied across the board. Musims and atheists, tyrants and serial killers, CEOs and politicians, all absolved of their actions in the eyes of the catholic god.
This is confusing because it removes all illusions that people are responsible for their actions. It's the most basic principle of christian theology. This pope is making sin obsolete. He's actually trying to kill his religion. WTF? Why?