[–] Adhdferret 1 points (+1|-0)

Came here to say the same thing. 500 bucks says she won't finish. She will get pregnant and piss it all away. Just a statistical fact is all.

Affirmative BLaction seriously needs to be reevaluated I feel because it just is t working when so many aspiring others (doesn't have to be whites either) deserve this more so than this girl.

Affirmative BLaction seriously needs to be reevaluated

Agreed. The idea of using more racism to fight racism, is stunningly stupid, and counterproductive.
It's also a waste of resources to educate people that don't really want it, or are not capable of fully utilizing it.

[–] Adhdferret 1 points (+1|-0)

It focuses upon quantity rather than quality of work and makes inferior products. It happened here where I live. Each merchant has a nitche role in the market. Slowly chains came in and worked them out......

Now ain't nothing but worthless fucking people that know you can't go anywhere else to get product unless you want to waste gas and get the same treatment.

They raise prices citing higher turnover and training yet never replace the management. Just a game and average Joe is fucking retarded because they drink corn syrup and eat modified veggies.

They have their 1.7 kids and repeat the cycle for the next generation because life is good enough for them. Well fuck that I don't settle (unless it is for court hehehehe)