[–] PhunkyPlatypus 2 points (+2|-0)

Good. Hemp cultivation in America has a long and rich history. Our founding fathers grew it and was initially illegal not to cultivate hemp because it was so beneficial to the beginning colonies.

The argument of hemp = cannabis is ridiculous and outdated. Even if you don't agree on cannabis use, the plethora of uses for hemp can not be denied.

Variations of the phrase "farmers will grow hemp" was used an awful lot; like there is a minimum word limit or even the author was paid by the word.

[–] jidlaph 3 points (+3|-0) Edited

I'm missing the 'news' part of this. I'm sure nearly all farmers want a piece of that action.

On a related note, I wonder how much farmland would need to be converted before it starts impacting the price of livestock feed and the like.

Good for them. The hemp will be much more profitable and it will spur the budding industry in that state. I'm pretty sure its going to be an uphill battle but that is how change starts.